Interactive Learning Center Diliman



ILC Diliman BE INFORMED: WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO (OLD) UVLê 2? January 12, 2018 By 15 January 2018, UVLê will run under an upgraded site. This article discusses what will happen to your usage data (course pages, user information etc.) after switching to UVLê 3. WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO ALL THE DATA? All users, courses, and data files will be retained in UVLe 3. As in prior version, all old and inactive courses for more than 2 years will remain hidden and inaccessible to students to reduce clutter. WHAT IF THERE ARE UNFINISHED MATTERS IN UVLê 2? The old version will be accessible in a legacy site. If you have unfinished matters in UVLe 2 (e.g. students with INC grade), you may continue the activity by accessing the old version at The legacy site will be available until July 2018. CAN WE USE THE LEGACY SITE FOR NEW COURSES? Conducting new activities and classes within the legacy site is highly discouraged. Little support is available for the old version. It will also be confusing for students to use different versions of UVLe for different courses. For special/other concerns, please contact ILC Diliman via online helpdesk. WHAT HAPPENS TO THE LEGACY USER DATA AFTER JULY 2018? Data will be archived. For administrative records purposes, the data will be kept in archive by ILC Diliman for a minimum of two years.

The 3 PDAs of ILC Diliman

ILC Diliman ILC Diliman has 3 PDAs October 11, 2017 OVCAA has renewed one existing and has appointed two new Project Development Associates (PDAs) to work with projects and programs of the Interactive Learning Center Diliman. Mr. Roy Vincent L. Canseco of the Department of Computer Science under the College of Engineering was designated as PDA for TED (Technology, Education, and Development). He will be assigned in major tasks related to UVLe and other ILC Diliman web services.  For this academic year, he will lead/help in the collaborative projects with OUR, UL, and other units handling (academic) information systems and/or geared towards teacher/student programs.  He will also serve as a resource person in seminar workshops related to EdTech, Innovative pedagogical strategies, course design and  blended instruction. Mr. Marti S. Rodriguez of the Department of Speech Communication and Theatre Arts under the College of Arts and Letters shall serve as PDA for BLT (Blended Learning and Teaching).  He will serve as a resource person in the development, evaluation, revision and/or recommendation of ILC Diliman projects related to blended learning and teaching and/or those that advance learning/teaching. For this academic year, he will lead/help in the study on approaches and practices in university teaching and learning. He shall also act as one of the subject matter expert in modern and/or effective pedagogy (theories, principles and applications/practices) and shall provide support in other ILC project, programs and services. On the other hand, Mr. Michael Van B. Supranes of the School of Statistics is renewed and will continue to serve as PDA for ETA (Education Technology Advancement).  He continues to lead/help in the review, promotion and development of the training and resources for UVLe and other ILC Diliman web services, as well as in the review and development of the different materials and resources related to the use of education technologies.  Mr. Supranes also serves as a subject matter expert and a resource person on the use of UVLe.

A Revamp for Experience: Upgrading to UVLê 3.0

ILC Diliman A Revamp for Experience: Upgrading to UVLê 3.0 September 27, 2017 A revamp for experience! Users can expect a more inspired look and a better user-experience in the upcoming UVLê upgrade. ILC Diliman targets to release UVLê 3.0 next year. To help users be familiar with UVLê’s new environment and tools, a beta site will be opened from Sept. 25 to Oct. 15, 2017. Teachers and students are highly encouraged to check UVLê 3.0 beta.  Users will be able to log in to UVLê beta using their current username and password. Teachers may request 1 trial course page via helpdesk. Just specify that the request is for the beta site. Students may check a sample course page, where users can try posting in forum, uploading files for assignments, answering online quizzes etc. Continue reading to learn more about UVLê 3.0.