Interactive Learning Center Diliman


Basics of Teaching with UVLê for CSSP Department of Psychology July 10, 2017

ILC Diliman Basics of Teaching with UVLê for CSSP Department of Psychology July 10, 2017 Seminars or Workshop, UVLe July 17, 2017 ILC Diliman and Department of Psychology had a training/workshop of Basics of Teaching with UVLê on July 10 – 12, 2017, at ILC Diliman Laboratory lead by Joseph Ryan Lansangan current director of ILC Diliman.      The training was started last July 10, 2017, 8-5pm and finished July 12, 2017, at ILC Diliman Office for a one on one training to those who aren’t finished the training/workshop. The training/workshop covered the basic features and how to’s of UVLê. The training/workshop highlighted the role of technology particularly the why’s and advantages of using an LMS to engage student participation and enhance learning, teaching strategies using EdTech Tools and so on. The training/workshop had a hands-on training that focuses on how to use UVLê such as Navigating the UVLê Homepage and these are My Dashboard, My Messages, and My Private Files. The hands-on training also includes Managing the Course Page, Putting Content such as uploading files, sharing online links or webpages and working with pages/labels for images/videos for embedding and adding resource links. The training/workshop was partly delivered online with training materials readily available to participants via a newly developed training course (in UVLê), and online consultations and follow-throughs were provided/encouraged even after the end of the training.

Basics of Teaching with UVLê for TEC June 09, 2017

ILC Diliman Basics of Teaching with UVLê for TEC June 09, 2017 Seminars or Workshop, UVLe June 13, 2017 ILC Diliman conducted a short training / seminar-workshop on “Basics of Teaching with UVLê” for TEC last June 09, 2017 at the Institute for Small Scale Industries (ISSI). The short training / seminar-workshop covered the basic features and how-to’s of UVLê (short for University Virtual Learning Environment), the university’s learning management system (LMS).  The seminar-workshop also highlighted the role of technology in student learning, particularly the why’s and advantages of using an LMS to engage student participation and enhance learning. The teacher was Mr. Joseph Ryan Lansangan, the current director of ILC Diliman and the assistants are Melody Briola, Rowena Moralejo, Tristan Jake Alcantara and John Mark Roco. The seminar-workshop had a different format compared to the previous UVLê training runs.  It was partly delivered online, with training materials readily available to participants via a newly developed training course (in UVLê), and online consultations and follow-throughs were provided/encouraged even after the end of the training.

Basics of Teaching with UVLe on April 24, 2017

ILC Diliman Basics of Teaching with UVLe on April 24, 2017 Seminars or Workshop, UVLe April 27, 2017 ILC Diliman conducted a short training / seminar-workshop on Basics of Teaching with UVLê for CMC last April 24, 2017 at the Broad Comm. The short training / seminar-workshop covered the basic features and how-to’s of UVLê (short for University Virtual Learning Environment), the university’s learning management system (LMS).  The seminar-workshop also highlighted the role of technology in student learning, particularly the why’s and advantages of using an LMS to engage student participation and enhance learning. Mr. Van Supranes and Dawn Benigno, facilitated the seminar-workshop. The seminar-workshop had a different format compared to the previous UVLe training runs.  It was partly delivered online, with training materials readily available to participants via a newly developed training course (in UVLe), and online consultations and follow-throughs were provided/encouraged even after the end of the training.