Interactive Learning Center Diliman


CRS updates its UVLê Integration Module​

ILC Diliman CRS updates its UVLê Integration Module February 3, 2025 UP Diliman Teachers will now be able to access the UVLê integration module in CRS. This module allows teachers to do the following via/within CRS: ✓ Request an UVLê course page for their classes. ✓ Monitor the status of their course page request. ✓ Enroll students to an UVLê course page based on class list. ✓ Enroll students from multiple sections/class lists into a single UVLê course page. With these new features, it is easier for teachers to request a course page, and to enroll students to their course page. Click here for the full PDF file: UVLê-CRS Integration 1. Course Creation 2. Sync Class List 3. Link or Merge

UVLe – Safe Exam Browser (SEB)

ILC Diliman UVLê – Safe Exam Browser (SEB) November 26, 2024 Dear UVLê  Users, We would like to inform everyone about the issue affecting the latest version of the Safe Exam Browser (SEB) application, commonly used to secure UVLê  Quizzes. The problem occurs on macOS and iOS devices despite running the latest or old OS versions, while the newest version in Windows works perfectly fine. After thorough testing, the following has been discovered: Safe Exam Browser’s (SEB) latest version triggers errors such as “Loading NEW SEB Settings Not Allowed!”, a red screen with texts such as “SEB is locked!”, and “System security feature is disabled!” when launching UVLê  SEB Quizzes on macOS and iOS devices. To guarantee uninterrupted exam sessions, we recommend the following: Completely uninstall the current version of SEB on your device (if you are experiencing the issues mentioned above). Install Safe Exam Browser 3.3.3 which is more stable. Avoid updating SEB until a stable new release is officially announced. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation, as we are closely monitoring this issue and will provide updates as soon as the SEB team addresses these bugs in future releases. For additional questions, you can send your tickets to Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

ILC Diliman Holds Training on Basics of Teaching with UVLê 3 for UP School of Statistics

ILC Diliman ILC Diliman Holds Training on Basics of Teaching with UVLê 3 for UP School of Statistics March 10, 2020 Interactive Learning Center (ILC) Diliman – conducted a Training/Workshop on Basics of Teaching with UVLê 3 last March  09, 2020, held at UP School of Statistics. The Training on Basics of Teaching with UVLê 3 was lead by Asst. Prof. Michael Van Supranes and with ICT Associate Mr. Tristan Jake Alcantara, ICT Associate Mrs. Jennifer Padil and ICT Assistant Mr. Jan Paul Carag as their training assistant and videographer. It was the Statistics Faculty who attended the Training on Basics of Teaching with UVLê 3 this March 09, 2020. Before the training started, each participant had their training course page created for them in UVLê 3. The course pages were used as their training page for the editing and setup of the activity resources and the training course page. OIC Director Asst. Prof. Michael Van Supranes from the School of Statistics explains how to start using UVLê Prof. Supranes and Mr. Alcantara discussed the features of UVLê under the basic teacher role and demonstrated its uses with the help of the training assistants. Some of the features discussed are: Course Page Editing, Basic Resources; Uploading Files, Uploading Images, Embedding YouTube Videos and Sharing a webpage, Basic Activities; Assignments, Forum and Choice. Senior ICT Associate Tristan Jake Alcantara from ILC Diliman demonstrates features under the basic teacher role They also discussed some features under Advance Topic such as: Groups and Groupings, Access Restriction and Online Quizzes. After the discussion and demonstration of UVLê 3 and its features, the participants showed interest in using the system for their future classes. ICT Associate Jennifer Padil (leftmost), OIC Director Asst. Prof. Michael Van Supranes (center-left front row), ICT Associate Tristan Jake Alcantara (center front row), UP School of Statistics Dean Joseph Ryan Lansangan (rightmost)