Interactive Learning Center Diliman


UVLê Notification Email Override

ILC Diliman UVLê Notification Email Override February 19, 2019 Dear UVLê  Users, The Email address field in the user’s Profile (under Preferences> User Account> Edit Profile) is permanently locked. That is, changes are not allowed for the email address, and all users from UP Diliman will have their respective DilNet account ( as their default and/or primary email address. This email address is being used for verification purposes (other than the username; e.g., when seeking assistance in UVLê through the ILC Helpdesk), and thus maintaining user’s institution email (DilNet account) is most appropriate. Should you wish to receive UVLê notifications (such as from General Announcement, Messaging, Forum activities, Grading, etc.) on an email address different from your DilNet account, you may nominate another email address (e.g., your, or any personal email) via the email notification settings.  To do this,    Step 1: Go to Preferences under your Profile link (i.e., drop down list when you mouse over or click your profile name)Step 2: Click Messaging under User accountStep 3: Set your alternative email address for notifications in the field “Send email notifications to” under EmailStep 4: Click Save changes (scroll to the bottom of the page) After doing this, you can now receive email notifications using your nominated alternative email. For clarifications or concerns, you may contact us via our Helpdesk or call 920-9556 / 981-8500 local 2058. Thank you very much for your continued support. UVLê / ILC Diliman Team

ILC Diliman Leads UVLê CRS Integration Project in 2019

ILC Diliman ILC Diliman leads UVLê CRS Integration Project in 2019 February 7, 2019 Interactive Learning Center (ILC) Diliman — January 08, 2019 ILC Diliman and CRS team officially releases the CRS and University Virtual Learning Environment (UVLe) integration module. ILC Diliman initiated the integration of CRS to UVLe to facilitate faster requests and e-learning set-ups. This integration comes with a module that integrates UVLe course creation functionalities in the CRS platform. CRS and UVLe integration module allow teachers to utilize course creation from CRS (Computerized Registration System) to the UVLe (University Virtual Learning Environment). Teachers can now create courses, sync or merge courses, and upload syllabi from CRS to UVLe. This integration will help teachers to create courses in UVLe much easier since the course creation can be done using the CRS dashboard. For requests or concerns with learning materials, you may contact (63-2) 920-9556 / 981-8500 loc 2058 and or send a ticket to Helpdesk (

CRS updates its UVLê Integration module

ILC Diliman CRS updates its UVLê Integration module January 8, 2019 UP Diliman Teachers will now be able to access the UVLê integration module in CRS. This module allows teachers to do the following via/within CRS: ✓ Request an UVLê course page for their classes. ✓ Monitor the status of their course page request. ✓ Enroll students to an UVLê course page based on class list. ✓ Enroll students from multiple sections/class lists into a single UVLê course page. With these new features, it is easier for teachers to request a course page, and to enroll students to their course page. Click here for the full PDF file: UVLê-CRS Integration 1. Course Creation 2. Sync Class List 3. Link or Merge