Interactive Learning Center Diliman



ILC Diliman IS THAT YOUR FINAL ANSWER? April 23, 2019 CBM Feature (Certainty-Based Marking) in UVLê Quizzes are day-to-day student activities prepared by teachers to help assess learnings. Sometimes, these are used to prepare students for new lessons. Most quizzes are done traditionally through pen and paper, and teachers are often facing the risk of losing documents or dedicating many hours in checking and recording these. The Interactive Learning Center Diliman has a special feature in UVLê that aims to solve these challenges. The Quiz activity in UVLê is a common feature wherein teachers can make quizzes in UVLe to access quizzes online. It has changeable settings that makes it flexible in different use cases that it can support. In this series, we will show you three unique features that you can use for your classes. For the first feature, we introduce you to CBM or Certainty-Based Marking. This is one of the many features that UVLê supports. It is a moodle-based strategy plugin that helps students reliably answer quizzes and help them become confident when answering questions. Certainty-based Marking is an interesting feature; it allows you to test students’ quiz certainty (how sure they are of their answer) and give bonus or penalizing marks based on it. It may sound like a gimmick, but studies have shown that this small test of courage can make students think deeper and avoid rushing answers, encouraging concentration (Issroff & Gardner-Medwin, 1998). To enable the CBM feature of Quiz activity in the upper-right corner of your course page click Turn On editing. After clicking the Turn On editing an Add an activity or resource label should appear in the content of your course page when editing is turned on. Next, click the Add an activity or resource a pop-up window should appear after clicking this label. In the pop-up window click the Quiz activityand at the bottom of the pop-up window click the Add button. Once clicked the Add button it will redirect you to the Adding a new Quiz page.Finally, in the Adding a new Quiz page of Quiz activity look for the Question behaviour section and then in the option pane, select “Deferred feedback with CBM”.After that at the bottom of Adding a new Quiz page click Save and display button to save and display the changes.Here’s a sample true and false quiz when CBM feature is enabled. It looks peculiar at first glance, and we’re sure that it’s not a common way of taking an exam. Here’s another way of looking at it: CBM rewards students who are sure that they studied, adding more points as modifiers if they answer questions correctly with a high level of certainty. Humility is a virtue after all; it’s even used in some medical exams to decrease the risk of wrong calls (Gardner-Medwin, 1995) and potentially save lives. With this new feature, UVLê invites teachers to implement this in their modules for faster checking and more efficient questions. For more information, give us a call at 8981-8500 or send a ticket to

ILC’s Top 3 New Features for Iskomunindad (Bye Iskwiki!)

ILC Diliman ILC’s Top 3 New Features for Iskomunindad (Bye Iskwiki!) March 1, 2019      “Iskwiki is GONE?” I asked John Mark Roco, our Emergency Web Service Developer.  “Hindi po, Sir. In-update lang natin,” he replied. I sighed with relief. Iskwiki has been a University treasure of sorts, helping freshies know more about the college. Being an alumnus of UP Manila myself, I felt like a freshie before I took my MA here. I remember how it led me to the updated contact number of our college, and even the steps for application. The Classics: The old iskwiki page      I heard the news that the old iskwiki was lacking in updates and new tech. I’m sure you’ve seen Wikia, the fan-powered wikipedia page handled by netizens when (re)searching for your favorite anime or video game. It looked primitive a few years ago. It had sad mobile responsiveness which was bad, considering 52% of websites are accessed via mobile devices. Menus and content littered the page. It was like a gradescholler’s MySpace page in 2000s. Now, it’s an updated, highly-customizable haven for fans and fans-to-be of genres.      This royal treatment of Wikia mirrors the makeover that Iskwiki will have. Under the banner of Iskomunidad, it promises new features, improved attributes, and an overall fresh brand for timeless content.      This brings us to our first favorite feature: The Interface! A Timely, Timeless Update: Iskomunidad’s New Face      It’s like seeing your old house bathed in new paint, minus the smell. Comparing the old and new interfaces, one can already see the cleaner and more organized layout. All navigational buttons are on the left, reminiscent of Wikipedia’s UX. The minute speck that is the search bar was in the upper-right of the old page, and is now proudly sitting on top of the page. It even boasts the current number of pages we’re ready to offer to users: 3,700++ old and new content. Don’t get me started on the new background design, too.      This brings us to feature number two: Easier Creation Tools      Ever wonder why the Download pages of websites have less buttons on it? Because it tries to guide you to a specific action. Before, if you were an honest-to-goodness UP student who wished to create new pages for your college or your organization for iskwiki, you were probably a bit lost. The old interface had no quick buttons for content-makers. It’s a turnoff as far as User Interface is concerned. Now, there are two quick ways to make new pages: Clicking on the “Create your First Iskwiki Page/Article” Simply scroll down when you first open the webpage and voila! You can name your page and start editing:      Step Two: Search and Create     Using the nifty search bar above, simply search for a page. If it’s non-existent, it will prompt you to create a new page:      P.S.: You have to be logged in using your official UP LDAP Credentials (this the account you use for CRS).     See, now we are no longer lost in the pages. Speaking of being lost, we have another feature so we can be found: Google Maps Embedding.     If your org has a tambayan or your department has relocated, guide others to it using Google Maps. Simply search for the location you wish to embed in Google Maps, then click the option button (☰):     Click Share or Embed Map: Then copy the link as seen above. Your iskomunidad page can now feature this location! In summary: The new adjustments made has turned iskwiki to iskomunindad; a more feature- inclusive and user-friendly portal to share information with our collegues and peers. This will be available on March, so make sure to visit our social media page ( when we upload the link!

UVLe Notification Email Override

UVLe Notification Email Override February 19, 2019 Dear UVLê  Users, The Email address field in the user’s Profile (under Preferences> User Account> Edit Profile) is permanently locked. That is, changes are not allowed for the email address, and all users from UP Diliman will have their respective DilNet account ( as their default and/or primary email address. This email address is being used for verification purposes (other than the username; e.g., when seeking assistance in UVLê through the ILC Helpdesk), and thus maintaining user’s institution email (DilNet account) is most appropriate. Should you wish to receive UVLê notifications (such as from General Announcement, Messaging, Forum activities, Grading, etc.) on an email address different from your DilNet account, you may nominate another email address (e.g., your, or any personal email) via the email notification settings.  To do this,    Step 1: Go to Preferences under your Profile link (i.e., drop down list when you mouse over or click your profile name)Step 2: Click Messaging under User accountStep 3: Set your alternative email address for notifications in the field “Send email notifications to” under EmailStep 4: Click Save changes (scroll to the bottom of the page) After doing this, you can now receive email notifications using your nominated alternative email. For clarifications or concerns, you may contact us via our Helpdesk or call 920-9556 / 981-8500 local 2058. Thank you very much for your continued support. UVLê / ILC Diliman Team