Sensors and Controls
A cost-effective, robust, integrated multi-trigger security and alert system using off-the-shelf or recycled hardware and sensors and open-source software technologies for messaging, video streaming and recording, machine vision, video analytics, thermal and power monitoring and control. It provides multi-channel feedback (Twitter, Email, SMS, etc).
Trigger event:

- heat (aircon not working, fire)
- smoke (smoke detector linked to online alarm system)
- motion (person entering/leaving building or room)
- sound (fans, batteries failing, alarm of non-networked motion or thermal sensors)
- power outage
- video recording
- log recording
- alarm (sound, light)
- Tweet
- phone dialling

- combination of mid-, low-end; recycled, old, new cams
- redundant off-site recordings (continuous and motion-activated events) and picture snapshots
- motion sensors compensate for “blind spots”