Interactive Learning Center Diliman

ILC Diliman​

ONLINE CLASS 101: A Guide on Tools for Conducting Classes Online

In view of MEMO NO. OVCAA-ECA 20-580 and MEMO. NO. OVPAA 2020-31, Interactive Learning Center Diliman is preparing and collecting materials/guides related to online mode of teaching. In addition, ILC Diliman strongly recommends UPD Faculty to use:

  • The University Virtual Learning Environment (UVLê ) as the main platform or learning management system. It’s basic features include sharing of files/videos, forum discussions, polls, and online assignments. It also has advanced features, such as online quizzes, gamification tools, etc. Moreover, course creation and student enlistment are automated via CRS
  • Zoom for video conferencing and/or lecture recording.
  • Google Drive for extra online storage space (esp. for sharing large files).

To help the faculty, ILC Diliman prepared/collected the following guides about teaching online, using UVLê , and using video conferencing/recording applications:

Chronicle of High Education:

ILC Diliman PDF Guides:

Resources about Zoom:

YouTube Videos about UVLe:

Access to Informative Online Resources (e.g. eBooks, eJournals, etc.):

  • With a DilNet account, students and faculty can access the library’s online collection/resources (e.g. eJournals, eBooks) through
  • The CEO of Scribd announced that Scribd’s online library will be free, to anyone, for 30 days (for the next month). Check Scribd here:

Other References:

For other suggestions, please check the MEMO NO. ILCD-MVS 20-1. ILC Diliman would like to emphasize the appropriate channels for different types of inquiry.

  • For inquiries about ILC Diliman services (e.g. UVLe) or recommended applications (e.g. Zoom, Google Meet, Google Drive, PowerPoint etc.), please contact ILC Diliman via Kindly read the FAQs before opening a ticket.
  • For inquiries about DilNet account or creation of a UP Mail account, please contact UP Computer Center at
  • For inquiries about Microsoft 365 for UP faculty/students, please contact ITDC at To request a Microsoft 365 account, answer this form:
  • For inquiries about google classroom, please use

Please disseminate this information/resources to your faculty/students. Your cooperation is very much appreciated.