ILC Diliman
ILC Diliman Conducts UVLe Orientation for Department of History, CSSP
- Seminars or Workshop, UVLe
- June 23, 2018
ILC Diliman Dir. Joseph Ryan Lansangan (center front-row), UP Dept. of History instructor Mr. Aaron F. Viernes (left front-row), programmer Mr. Tristan Jake Alcantara (leftmost front-row) and participants of the workshop.
Interactive Learning Center Diliman had an University Virtual Learning Environment (UVLe) orientation for College of Social Science and Philosophy (CSSP) Department of History last June 20, 2018 at Silid Balangay in College of Social Science and Philosophy Department of History.
Photo-Op with the UP Dept. of History instructor Mr. Aaron F. Viernes.
Mr. Aaron F. Viernes, instructor from the UP Department of History, invited ILC Diliman team as the resource speaker for their teaching workshop. It was a 40-minute talk with a demonstration of UVLe’s features. ILC Diliman Director Joseph Ryan Lansangan facilitated the UVLe demonstration and with the assistance of programmer Tristan Jake Alcantara.
The demonstration of UVLe covered the Basics of Teaching with UVLe 3 and its elements, namely dashboard, my courses, profile, file uploading, assignment, forum, and quiz activities.
For more information about Basics of Teaching with UVLe 3, click here and quick introduction with UVLe, click here.
To learn more about UVLe and set up your own account, call us at (63-2) 920-9556 / 981-8500 loc 2058 or send us an email at ilcdiliman@up.edu.ph. You may also click on our website Helpdesk to send concerns and tickets to our support offices.