ILC Diliman
Basic ISO – Compliant Standard/s in Writing Letters, Reports and Communications (Memos, Office Orders, etc.) for OVCAA and its Offices
- Seminars or Workshop
- April 16, 2018
Basic ISO 9000 seminar workshop:”Basic ISO – Compliant Standard/s in Writing Letters, Reports and Communications (Memos, Office Orders, etc.) for OVCAA and its Offices”
Computer Laboratory Room 103 (ILC Diliman) – Interactive Learning Center (ILC) Diliman employees attended the seminar workshop on Basic ISO – Compliant Standard/s in Writing Letters, Reports and Communications (Memos, Office Orders, etc.) for OVCAA and its Offices last April 13, 2018 1:00pm – 5:00pm.
The seminar workshop main speakers were Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs Evangeline Amor and Director of Office for the Advancement of Teaching (OAT) Rosella Torrecampo. Other speakers were EA III for Special Projects Maria Eloisa Almario-Zabat and Rowena Moralejo of OVCAA. The seminar workshop was limited to 20 participants from different offices under the Office of the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs (OVCAA) where common tasks were writing letters, reports and communication materials to other departments.
The seminar workshop’s purpose was to give basic knowledge about the ISO 9000 standardization for OVCAA. In the seminar Director of Office for the Advancement of Teaching (OAT) Rosella Torrecampo presentation entitled “Writing towards and ISO 9000 documentation standard style” she discussed about Seven Quality Management Principles, letter format standardization (including memo, conventions, coding, archiving systems) and other innovations that improve content clarity and tone.
In the seminar, participants were grouped and had an “open space: discussion of ideas and resolution” activities where they discussed communication issues noticed in the office with the resolution they have in mind.