Interactive Learning Center Diliman

ILC Diliman

Upgrading of Pages.upd Web Service

To all Pages.UPD users:

We are excited to announce that Pages.UPD (or simply, Pages) will be upgraded on Friday, March 16 at 1pm!  The upgraded Pages will include changes to the look and feel, with the website now being responsive for both mobile and desktop versions.  We have also improved the structure and organization of the contents and/or menus, as well as added some useful tools and features, so creating and editing website will be as uncomplicated as ever.  There are other minor but significant changes to make your and your audience’s Pages experience much better.  (More details of the changes are found below.

As you may have noticed these past days, the editing mode (or logging in to) Pages was temporarily disabled.  This was done to allow the technical team to modify some of the users’ websites in preparation for the updating.  A few pages, plug-ins, or settings were modified for implementation to the latest version.  Contents remain the same but lay-out may have changed, and trivial (non-useful) tools may now not be supported.  We recommend you to kindly check your websites and/or log-in to Pages the soonest after Friday’s updating.  

Do let us know if you will encounter issues on your website/s or have concerns about Pages.  Your feedback is very important to us as we strive to improve on our web services. You may email us ( or send a ticket via our helpdesk (

Thank you very much and we look forward to you optimizing the potentials of Pages!     

Details for the March 16 upgrading:

  • Modified the landing page and/or log-in page. Landing page has slider for quick access/view to important announcements or latest news, as well as sections for Featured Themes, (Sample Pages), IlC Diliman articles, and Recent updates.
  • Default widgets (menus/tabs, pages) for personal, department or project websites are available
  • Options for initial setup of websites for departments and projects –  academic and administrative for departments; and lab/research group, project, and event/conference for Lab/Research group, Project, or Event/conference)
  • Enhanced and new themes made available
  • New widgets, tools and/or features available
  • Enabled Private files repository, with maximum file upload of 50MB and maximum repository size of 200MB
  • Menus and settings are now more organized and accessible
  • Drag and drop approach for uploading media files and web content/resources.
  • Availability of the Import facility (for event, news, blog, etc.)
  • Authors and Keywords links modified under Publications menu.  Widget for the list of authors is now available (optional), and neither a widget nor a page is available for keywords.
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV) now under the Bio (Biography) page. Biography and CV may be separated as tabs.